Support the Art Center:
Participate in our Silent Auction fundraiser and join us on March 30
for a festive day of art, community, and possibility.

Art Center Affiliate Groups in sculpture, painting, watercolor & printmaking have joined together to create an exhibition & silent auction as a highlight of our March Open House Day.
Member donations of original artworks, shown here, are now on exhibit in our gallery and open for bid at the Center through March.
All proceeds support our continuing mission
to bring the arts and community together,
as a People’s Center.

Silent Auction instructions/details: Artworks in our March Silent Auction, shown above, are on exhibit in our gallery and can be viewed in person on Monday – Friday, 9:30am – 12:30pm, and by appointment. Additional affiliate member artworks are also on display. Bids can be cast for Silent Auction items from March 3 through March 30.
Reserve prices for Silent Auction items vary, but many start at just $50.00.
Bid increments are $10.00. All are welcome to visit the gallery in March and bid on favorite works!

Don’t miss the excitement at our Open House and Closing Reception on the 30th.

Questions? contact us at or call the Center office at 201-599-2992 during the above viewing hours Monday through Thursday.