Stone Sculpture (Tuesday)


Find the joy and excitement in carving a form in stone in a congenial atmosphere. Non-representational as well as figurative methods will be taught with the emphasis on creating three-dimensional shapes. Students may either carve with hand tools or pneumatic tools. All levels of ability are welcome.

Materials fee: In addition to the tuition for this course, at the start of this 8-week session each new student will purchase a stone of their own to work on. Purchase price for a stone ranges from $90.00 – $160.00 depending on the size of the block, and can be purchased through the Art Center. Stone costs are calculated by price per pound, so the size of each piece of stone is reflected in the purchase price. Continuing students will be guided to additional resources for future stone purchases if desired.

Instructor: Simon Rigg
Day: Tuesday
Dates: March 4, 11, 18, 25; April 1, 8, 15, 22, 29; 9 sessions
Time: 10 am - 1 pm
Skill Level: All levels

$30 membership per year is due at first signup

Sign Up

Find the joy and excitement in carving a form in stone in a congenial atmosphere. Non-representational as well as figurative methods will be taught with the emphasis on creating three-dimensional shapes. Students may either carve with hand tools or pneumatic tools. All levels of ability are welcome.

Materials fee: In addition to the tuition for this course, at the start of this 8-week session each new student will purchase a stone of their own to work on. Purchase price for a stone ranges from $90.00 – $160.00 depending on the size of the block, and can be purchased through the Art Center. Stone costs are calculated by price per pound, so the size of each piece of stone is reflected in the purchase price. Continuing students will be guided to additional resources for future stone purchases if desired.

Instructor: Simon Rigg
Day: Tuesday
Dates: March 4, 11, 18, 25; April 1, 8, 15, 22, 29; 9 sessions
Time: 10 am - 1 pm
Skill Level: All levels

$30 membership per year is due at first signup

Annual Membership
Age Group:

Find the joy and excitement in carving a form in stone in a congenial atmosphere. Non-representational as well as figurative methods will be taught with the emphasis on creating three-dimensional shapes. Students may either carve with hand tools or pneumatic tools. All levels of ability are welcome.

Materials fee: In addition to the tuition for this course, at the start of this 8-week session each new student will purchase a stone of their own to work on. Purchase price for a stone ranges from $90.00 – $160.00 depending on the size of the block, and can be purchased through the Art Center. Stone costs are calculated by price per pound, so the size of each piece of stone is reflected in the purchase price. Continuing students will be guided to additional resources for future stone purchases if desired.

Instructor: Simon Rigg
Day: Tuesday
Dates: March 4, 11, 18, 25; April 1, 8, 15, 22, 29; 9 sessions
Time: 10 am - 1 pm
Skill Level: All levels

$30 membership per year is due at first signup

Please bring your own supplies.

Class Policy